Reaching out, Encouraging others, Adoring God, and Learning together

Welcome to the FCC Women's Ministry page!

Our Mission: Moving women of all generations towards maturity in Christ through unity, faith and fellowship.

This page is designed to keep you posted on upcoming women's events at Farragut Christian Church and the surrounding area. We would like to use this page as an encouragement to others. Our hope is that you would meet other women in the church and get to know them through upcoming events and planned activities. Please feel free to invite others to any event that may not have a church home or desire fellowship with other women. Feel free to join our Facebook page here.

Women's Bible Study

The Tuesday Night Women's Bible Study group will begin a video series of Max Lucado's Help Is Here on February 25. They meet in the first classroom (A1) every other Tuesday at 6pm. The cost for this study is $11 per person. Contact Margaret Rosenbalm at 865.705.2381 or Pat Staats at 865.705.0427 if you need them to order your book.

Craft Days

Friday & Saturday

March 21 & 22 (note date change)

Come join other ladies in the church as we fellowship, work on our craft, and maybe even learn something new! We meet in the KidMin Worship Room from 10am until 5pm. We would love to have you join us for one or both days, for the whole day or just a few hours. Bring your own lunch and/or snacks. See Dena Cunningham or Peg Kennedy if you have any questions.