This Summer our SOJOUR students will be embarking on an adventure with Student Leader University! We will be traveling to Orlando for a week of training and teaching with the intention to empower students to step up and lead like Christ.
SLU describe the event this way:
"SLU 101 provides a year’s worth of leadership development in just 4 days. This dynamic experience allows attendees to learn from world-class thought leaders in creative and participatory environments inside and outside of the conference room. SLU teaches each student practical and relational life skills to change the way they think, dream and lead at the feet of Jesus."
What You'll Experience
- Exclusive Behind-the-Scenes Experiences at Sea World
- Rules and Tools of Leadership from World-Class Communicators
- Worldview Development from Leading Christian Apologists
- An Afternoon of Roller Coasters at Universal Studios
- Business Leadership Lessons from Top Level Executives
- Personality Assessment and Time and Goal Management
- An Evening of Tubes and Slides at Universal Volcano Bay
- 5-Day/4-Night Stay in a Business Hotel
- Food during SLU 101 Event Included
- Cost: $600* if deposit by March 21st**
- Deposit: $50
- All but 7 meals included
- Dates: July 15th-20th
- Grades: Current 9th-12th Grade
- Hotel: Marriot Orlando Airport Lakeside
*Price not including travel and Volcano Bay. Our goal is to fundraise and have both covered. If we do not raise the needed amount, we will drop Volcano Bay and shorten the trip.
**$650 after March 21st. Final deadline to register is May 16th.
Potential Schedule (Subject to change a little)
JULY 15th*
*Meals on road not included
JULY 16th
9:00AM Breakfast (Not included)
1:00 PM Registration (Meals Included after Registration)
4:00 PM Session 1
6:00 PM Dinner Curfew
7:00 PM Session 2
9:00 PM Group Process
11:00 PM Curfew
JULY 17th
6:15 AM Breakfast
7:15 AM Session 3 @ Sea World
12:00 PM Lunch @ Sea World
1:00 PM Session 4 @ Sea World
2:30 PM Break
4:00 PM Sessions 5
6:00 PM Dinner
7:00 PM Sessions 6
9:00 PM Group Process
11:00 PM Curfew
JULY 18th
8:15 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Sessions 7 & 8
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Session 9 & 10
3:00 PM Depart for Universal Studios
9:00 PM Group Process
11:00 PM Curfew
JULY 19th
8:15 AM Breakfast
9:00 AM Sessions 11
10:15 AM Sessions 12
11:30 AM Sessions 13
12:30 PM Lunch (Meals after will not be included)
1:30 PM Volcano Bay*
9:00 PM Hotel
11:00 PM Curfew
*Dinner at Volcano Bay not included
JULY 20th*
*Meals on road not included